By Ann Laird Jones
Our Synod may be made up of 12 different Presbyteries, myriad of regions, 4 states, all kinds of accents, customs and people, but on January 22 we were of one accord: iced in!
Carefully made plans for the Synod meeting, including worship got stuck in the snow. Hours before the start of the annual meeting on January 22 we knew we would have to be completely virtual. We were at a standstill. We would not be able to see each other and greet each other and hug each other and look one another in the eye as we said, “I’ve sure missed you!” But despite all this we met! And, albeit virtual connections, we knew we were there, together.
Throughout the meeting on that snowy, cold, icy day, I was aware of breadth and depth of our Synod of Living Waters, and how vibrant we are!
Our Covenant Partners once again swept us off our feet with the far-reaching work they are doing! I want to lift these partnerships up, and hope you will not only keep them in your ardent prayers, but reach out to them with a call, a letter, a gift of support:
Board of Pensione PC(USA): Kennan Rodgers and Clark Simmons
Mission Engagement and Support; Presbyterian Mission Agency: Lauren Rogers
Presbyterian Home for Children: Doug Marshall
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary: Andrew Pomerville
Columbia Theological Seminary: Julie Bailey
King University: Brian Alderman
Maryville College: Kathleen Farnham
University of Pikeville: Burton Webb
Rhodes College: Beatrice Weil
Tusculum University: Chris Shumate
One of the GA commissioners from our Synod recently said, “The question becomes how to live and walk in the ways of Christ in the midst of diversity – moving together in harmony.” As we face the beginning of our Lenten journey as a Synod, I celebrate the great work going on within and beyond our bounds. May we always move in harmony – ice and snow notwithstanding!
Thank you, Covenant Partners, Presbytery Execs, General Presbyters for being right there with us: John Odom, James Gale, Ray Thomas, Bob Madsen, Tom Lovell, Greg Goodwiller, Sue Westfall, Philip Lotspeich, Ralph Young, Wendy Neff, and Karen Russell. Thank you to our Stated Clerks and staff, including our own Charlie Evans. Thank you, faithful Commissioners, for staying with us in all this weather!
Special thanks to Synod Exec Greg Goodwiller for keeping the meeting going from his den at home, to Creighton Holder (Director of Music, First Presbyterian Church, Oxford, MS), and to Andrew Pomerville (President, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary), for punting at a moment’s notice, and preaching an amazing sermon from his office!
In the words of Leena Dallasheh, Sometimes “history develops as a reset of human agency!”
With deepest Gratitude, may we keep one another in constant prayer!
Ann Laird Jones