From the Outgoing Moderator

Dear Ones!

We have just finished an amazing meeting of the Synod of Living Waters in Franklin, Tennessee, complete with 22 Commissioners, 26 Corresponding members, and 7 visitors. We began with worship, led. By Rev. Wayne Steele, Mr. Doug Marshall, Mr. Michael Snoddy, and Rev. Dr. Victor Aloyo, President of Columbia Theological Seminary. After two amazing workshops, the first called “Budget and Stewardship as Mission,” led by the Rev. Dana Waters of The Presbyterian Foundation, and the second called “Disaster Preparedness,” led by the Rev. Nell Herring, we received beautiful greetings from these General Assembly Entity Partners:

Keenan Rodgers and Clark Simmons, Board of Pensions, Lauren Rogers, a Ministry Engagement Associate with the PC(USA), and Mr. Tanner Pickett, Vice President for Communications at Montreat Conference Center.

Next the Synod heard from our amazing  Covenant Partners! The Synod of Living Waters has fourteen Covenant Partnerships representing these organizations listed below:

  • Belhaven University
  • Buckhorn Home for Children
  • Centre College
  • Coalition for Appalachian Ministry
  • Columbia Theological Seminary
  • King University
  • Knoxville College
  • Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
  • Maryville College
  • Pikeville University
  • Presbyterian Home for Children
  • Rhodes College
  • Stillman College
  • Tusculum College

Each of these Covenant Partners is doing critical work within the bounds of our Synod. We heard from incredible leaders: Dr. Victor Aloyo, President of Columbia Theological Seminary and his assistant the Rev. Julie Bailey, Dr. Burton Webb, President of Pikeville University, Ms. Kathleen Farnham of Maryville College,  Rev, Beatrix Weil of Rhodes College, Mr. Doug Marshall of Presbyterian Home for Children, Dr. Mark McCormick of Stillman College.

I am proud of the scope of each ministry. I am proud that these ministries are happening here in the context of our Synod! I am proud that these ministries touch the lives of innumerable children, college students, seminary students, families, churches, and communities. We need you! We want to support you! Let us know how we can help! Please know we are praying for you!

My term of service as your Synod Moderator is now concluded. I loved every minute of our time together, and consider this time as one of the greatest honors of my life. I am proud of our Synod, and believe the role of Synod is vital to the health of each Presbytery. We have so much to offer each other! May we continue to reach across state lines and celebrate our ongoing ministry together.

We have now installed our new moderator, Ruling Elder Carol Copeland, who comes to us from Athens, Alabama, North Alabama Presbytery. Carol, we are praying for you, and looking forward to your leadership!

May our voice be heard.

Grace and Peace in these days,

Ann Laird Jones

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