From the Synod Executive

Rev. Greg Goodwiller

The Synod of Living Waters held its annual meeting on January 27, 2025. It was our first fully “in-person” gathering since January, 2020, just before the pandemic outbreak that changed all of our lives forever.

It was exceedingly good to be back together, even with the recognition that because of various other conditions some of our members were still not able to be with us.

We continue to “live into” our new synod structure that has shifted most of the synod’s active ministries and engagements to its Administrative Board, but at the same time, our covenant partners continue to relate to the synod itself, and their reports to the synod were once again the highlight of the meeting. These historic institutions are accomplishing so much for the sake of God’s Kingdom, addressing needs of their communities and regions as they are able to discern them. Our covenant partners include seminaries, colleges and universities, children’s homes, and an Appalachian self-help ministry. We highlight these partners in each edition of the Virtual Voice.

An addition to this year’s synod assembly was general interest “workshops.” We had two presenters this year – Rev. Dana Waters with the Presbyterian Foundation, who led a workshop titled, “Budget and stewardship as Mission,” and another by Rev. Nell Herring with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance on “Disaster Preparedness.” These were exceedingly well received, and hopefully gave commissioners some ideas about how to engage their presbyteries in ministry with the larger church.

At the Annual meeting, I was elected to an initial three-year term as Stated Clerk (in addition to continuing my service as your Synod Executive) and Carol Copeland was elected as the Synod Moderator. We were formally installed at a ceremony at the end of the meeting. 2025, here we come!

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