Our theme for this issue is Recovery, Restoration and Rebirth. Our synod has been buffeted by natural disasters from hurricanes to floods to 100-year snow falls and 100-year heat waves. Stories of recovery and rebirth are not limited to these disasters however. We all find ourselves in changing times in which old ways and structures wash away and new ones must arise. Each article in this issue gives a glimpse at the power of resilience in the face of unexpected changes and challenges. We hope that you will read them with the lens of awe and gratitude as you pray for all those who are keeping the faith and sharing the love and healing power of Christ through our synod, presbyteries and congregations.
Do You Have a Story to Tell? Your Communications and Technology team loves nothing better than telling the stories of what God is doing in our synod and its presbyteries! Each issue gives us hop, courage, gratitude and ideas for our own ministries. BUT we need your help! We would like to have a VV reporter in each one of our presbyteries. We will send you our themes and deadlines and hope that you will submit an article to each issue. We publish four times a year. We would also love to know of events, anniversaries and new initiatives that we could announce, celebrate with you and pray with you about. If you would like to be a VV reporter, please let Eugenia Gamble at [email protected] know of your interest. Be sure to include your presbytery and your preferred mode of communication. We can’t wait to add your stories to our publication!