Elder Carol Copeland, Synod Moderator
Carol Raby Copeland was born in Athens, Alabama where she now resides with her husband
of 60 years, Steve. She is the mother of one son Matthew and Gigi to two grandsons. Her
hobbies include cooking, flower arranging, boating on Elk River, reading and listening to
Americana music. Upon graduating from the University of Tennessee School of Social
Work, she embarked on her professional career in social work first in the public sector and
then in private practice. She just renewed her social worker license to continue a part time
practice specializing in adoption.
A cradle Presbyterian, PC(USA) activities include member and Ruling (resting) Elder at First
Presbyterian Church, Athens, Alabama. Carol served as moderator of North Alabama
Presbyterian Women for ten years. She served as Moderator of NAP for a term in 2020 and
was Moderator of the Mission Haven Board, Decatur, Georgia in 2021. Also in 2021, she
served as President of the Board of Trustees for the Alabama Presbyterian Home for Children
in 2021 and remains on that Board, presently serving as Secretary. Carol was the organizing
moderator for the Tennessee Valley Presbyterian Cursillo. She has been NAP’s Ruling Elder
Commissioner to the Synod of Living Waters for several years.