If you do a search for Multi-Age Sunday School Curricula, you’ll find resources offered from Amazon to Pinterest, from home-grown versions to Non-Denominational groups. The need is great these days as families with children are beginning to return to church, but classrooms are not filling up quite yet. Perhaps hardest hit are our smaller membership congregations who had broadly-aged elementary Sunday School classes even before Covid hit.
Be not dismayed! Your PCUSA website has at least 4 curricula that feature a Multi-Aged version for your review and use. (https://www.pcusastore.com/Products/CategoryCenter/PCUR/Curriculum.aspx)
− Follow Me (Ages 6-10): https://www.pcusastore.com/Products/CategoryCenter/FMCC!LG/multiage-children-leader-guide.aspx
− Feasting on the Word (Grades K-6): https://www.pcusastore.com/Products/CategoryCenter/CCFOW!K6/Multiage-Grades-K6.aspx
− Growing God’s Love – A Bible Story Curriculum (Intentionally Multi-Aged): https://www.pcusastore.com/Products/644020/jesus-beginnings.aspx?bCategory=CCGIGL
− Growing in Grace & Gratitude (Ages 5-10): https://www.pcusastore.com/Products/CategoryCenter/CCGGG!510/Multiage-Ages-510.aspx
These resources could get you started. The Rev. Mark Lampley, Associate Pastor for Christian Formation at Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN (Presbytery of East TN) says “Follow Me curricula has had very good recommendations from Directors of Christian Education (DCEs) who are POINT (Presbyterians Organized in Nurture & Teaching/ POINT) people and APCE (https://apcenet.org/) educators.”
Your own Presbytery staff may be able to point you to a highly qualified Christian Educators in your area who can make recommendations for your situation. If you have experience with and/or can recommend other Sunday School curricula that addresses the unique challenges of Christian Education in a smaller congregation or in a multi-aged setting, please send them to the Virtual Voice/ Multi-Age Curriculum Ideas [email protected] .