The Presbyterian

Virtual Voice

Making Room for Alleluias: A New Kind of Lenten Fast 2024
By Rev. Eugenia A. Gamble Throughout the centuries of the church’s common life it has been a common practice during the forty days plus Sundays leading up to Easter Day for the faithful to ‘give up...
Mid South Festival of Choirs 1
Festival of Choirs
Idlewild Presbyterian Church is excited to partner with the Presbyterian Association of Musicians in hosting the Mid-South Festival of Choirs! This event is open to any and all singers in local church...
Photo by Rami Gzon Unsplash
PC(U.S.A) Launches New Israel-Palestine Resource Page
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has a new online landing page that will allow users to engage with the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict more easily using digital resources. The single...
Advent Eugenia
Prepare the Way of the Lord! Advent Daily Devotions
By Rev. Eugenia A. Gamble   Prepare! Arise! Shine! Your Light Comes!   Rarely in my lifetime have I seen the contrast between light and darkness, love and hate, beauty and despair as clearly defined...
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Preparing the Way for the Synod of Living Waters
Gregory A. Goodwiller, Synod Executive   I have devoted a good bit of my vocational life to the development and implementation of policies, procedures, bylaws, and rules. That kind of work has always...
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Prepare the Way - Interim/Transitional Ministry
By Rev. James Gale   It feels like the last couple of years have given interim ministry a bad name.  Everywhere I turn, there are articles about how interim ministry has lost its way or conversations...
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Preparing the Way - Clean Water for Generations
By Steve Young Each morning, across 28 nations in over one thousand communities, men and women begin their day operating a Living Waters for the World purification system. Their faithfulness, day after...
Synod of Living Waters
24 County Road 231
Oxford, MS 38655