The Presbyterian

Virtual Voice

Bob Madsen crop
Meet Bob Madsen
Baptized in the UPC, confirmed in the PCUS and ordained in the PCUSA, new regional presbyter for South Alabama and Mississippi presbyteries, Bob Madsen has been steeped in the history and ethos of Presbyterians...
Synod of Living Waters 225th GA – Commissioner and Delegate Orientation
The Synod of Living Waters will once again conduct an “orientation” event for its presbyteries’ commissioners and delegates to the 225th General Assembly of the PC(USA). The orientation will be held from...
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Multi-Age Curricula
If you do a search for Multi-Age Sunday School Curricula, you’ll find resources offered from Amazon to Pinterest, from home-grown versions to Non-Denominational groups. The need is great these days...
WKy disaster
Western Kentucky Disaster Assistance
Dear Synod Friends: It has been 3 months since a line of storms and tornadoes severely impacted many places in Western Kentucky. I am reminded of this destruction as I drive through Bowling Green each...
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Synod of Living Waters
24 County Road 231
Oxford, MS 38655